Thursday, March 2, 2006

Mission Statement

It is the intent and mission of the author of this blog to provide you with entertainment and a real view of parenting, marriage, family life and friendship. The author promises to do this in a family friendly format and will never publish content (verbal or image) that would be offensive in nature. When doing a review of a product, the author promises that her opinions are her own. The author welcomes all comments (even ones that disagree) and will never moderate comments as long as they are not offensive in language and do not attack a person.
The author's personal mission is to never tire of hearing the word "More" from her children when referring to cuddle time, never take my husband's hard work to support his family for granted, make sure family knows they are the important thing in this life, realize that possessions are temporary at best, never waste a day by not laughing and never sweat a crayon mark on the wall

Wednesday, March 1, 2006


Beautiful Things Happen When A Woman Trusts God - Review

I recently received "Beautiful Things Happen When A Woman Trusts God" by Shelia Walsh to review.

I was very impressed with the visual appeal of this book when it arrived. Not only did the cover art accurately depict the contents of her book, but the inner panels and back cover let the reader know exactly what they were getting.

The book is all about having trust in God and the author details moments in her life when she did not have that trust. As she tells her story she weaves in stories from The Bible that correspond with moments in her own life. She chooses stories of people from The Bible who had their own moments when they did not trust, when they faltered and how they once again came back to the safe relationship of putting all of their trust in God and simply following as He led.

She speaks openly about her fears, uncertainty, struggles and depression in a language that even those who have not been through it can understand what it might feel like and what it looks like in others. She invites the reader into her life and her words vividly show you the picture of what not trusting and living in depression is truly like.

While "Beautiful Things Happen When A Woman Trusts God" is a wonderful spiritual journey and personal journey, I felt that the author got a little ahead of herself on many points and had a tendency to jump from the stories for The Bible to her own story a little too often. I had to put this book down many times and walk away from it as sometimes it seemed too much information was being given to absorb it properly. I did find the Bible Study at the end of the book to be well constructed and useful to those wishing to use the book in small groups.

I would recommend this book for more of a study with a leader than for a casual reader. I believe that Shelia offers a useful resource in her book to help those struggling with letting go of their past and learning to trust in God.


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