Remember how yesterday I talked about the engagement and how I don't do surprises? Well, I also don't do being the center of attention. Spotlights are the "light of death" and I run from them like an escaped convict runs from the search lights. Duckin', weavin' and rolling in the dirt, my friends.
Don't get me wrong, I am not a creepy recluse or anything; I just would prefer the attention be on someone else. I can join a party, crash a conference and yuck it up with everyone; just don't everyone look at me at once with expectation. This is where I want to cut and run.
Let's face it, everyone knows the wedding is for the bride. That is her day to glow, blush and shine...with everyone watching. Before we got engaged, we had already discussed the wedding day. Well, actually I think I warned him that there would be no bride down the aisle fiasco. No...I probably almost violently insisted.
So enter reason #2 there was no wedding ceremony. The Head Crayon and I are frugal, practical people.Well we are frugal most of the time, we don't but cheap toilet paper because that is just a sin. We researched and figured what the average wedding, rehearsal, after party and honeymoon would cost and decided to spend that money (and a little more because it was practical in this situation) on my ring. I couldn't bring myself to buy a wedding dress I was only going to wear once, so I bought an everyday dress. I did splurge and buy a pair of earrings just to match my dress though.
We didn't pick a date because the plan was that as soon as we had a couple of hours to spare we would go to the courthouse and just get it done. We were both working overtime at that point so months and months passed by with no trip to the judge. I almost thought that we would never get married so I researched the laws on keeping the ring vs. having to return the ring. Then one day on a Friday we caught our break, we had 3 hours to spare. We hurriedly got dressed and ran (well, we drove) to the courthouse in The Big City.
Nothing went quickly from applying to the license, the shaky hand lady who was trying to do our certificate in calligraphy and finally even finding a judge at 3:30pm on a Friday afternoon (should have probably searched the local golf courses!) But we finally pinned a judge in his chambers and begged him to just do it quick before he went home for the day.
What I will never forget is Mickey Mouse. I have always had an obsession for The Mouse. I own 3 watches sporting The Mouse, own about 6 shirts with The Mouse and just love The Mouse for all the wholesome goodness and fun he stands for. Apparently the Judge was the same but to the tenth power of obsession. There was shelves and shelves of Mickey memorabilia, posters, rugs and even his tie had The Mouse on it. was meant to be.
The Judge checked his Mickey watch, calculated driving time to the golf course and performed a ceremony so quick that an auctioneer would have swooned in respect. He left while the groom still kissed the bride and was done 'cause that's how we roll around here!!
I dreamed of having a simple beach wedding... a few friends... maybe family too... in a pretty white sundress and barefoot... But instead I got suckered into a 'real' wedding... after the money, hassles, the dress... etc. (I felt pretty and enjoyed the day and all...) if I could do it over again... I would have flown to Hawaii! and just had a 'reception' for family & friends! ;) I love the Mickey touch! irony!
Just Jenn~
Nice post. Thanks.
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