I decided to go with a wonderfully tangy green bean and potato salad because these potatoes were the perfect size and I thought their colors would look wonderful in the cold summery salad.
Let me introduced you to Southern Green Bean and Potato Salad (Ya'll are going to be good friends!)

2lbs of fresh green beans, trimmed and cut (in pretty little angles)
1 bag of Tasteful Selections Purple Passion Potatoes (quartered)
1 bag of Tasteful Selections Sunrise Medley Potatoes (cut in half)
5-6 green onions (sliced)
4-5 slices of cooked and diced bacon
1/4 cup of vegetable oil
1/2 cup of garlic red wine vinegar
1/4 cup of rice vinegar
2 tsp of garlic powder
1 1/2 tsp of salt
1 tsp of sugar
1 1/2 tsp of black pepper

Wash potatoes and boil them for around 7 minutes or until slightly soft. (Pop one of these suckers in your mouth because it is killing you to know what a purple potato tastes like. Eat another one because they were really good!!)

Saute green onions and bacon together in a small skillet until browned. Set aside.

Now that your potatoes and green beans have had a nice refreshing ice bath, cut potatoes into bite sized pieces and combine green beans, potatoes, green onions and bacon into a large mixing bowl.

Combine garlic red wine vinegar, rice vinegar, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, sugar and garlic powder and whisk together in a small mixing bowl. Once thoroughly mixed, pour over the top of the veggies.

Cover the mixing bowl with Saran Wrap and toss gently.

Refrigerate for 3 hours and toss gently occasionally to mix. Serve chilled.

OH wow that look wonderful.. hmmmm I bet those purple potatoes would look awesoe in Mexican mashed potatoes lol
That looks yummy! I like all the pictures, too.
When you said:
(Pop one of these suckers in your mouth because it is killing you to know what a purple potato looks like.)
did you mean to say "tastes like"?
I'd say yum but I'm not a green bean fan. I'd change it to asparagus and then I'd be in love! But that's just me. I bet my kids would eat it up faster than I could assemble it. They are green bean fiends! The recipe itself looks great to me. You and P.W. should be good friends you are giving her a run for her money with those pics! ;)
*Side note I figured out that blogger will let me comment under my name and url but not my google account. How's that for random?
That looks awesome! I love green bean and potato salad. You can only make it with fresh green beans and the bacon, of course, is a must! I want some of those purple potatoes.
the purple potato kinda freaks me out, but it is very colorful considering you are the crayon wrangler lol...wonder if you could food color the other ones and dice them smaller?....you could always mash them then and make tie dyed mashed potatoes...lol
That looks so good! Where do we vote? You should totally win, and I'm totally making that for dinner tomorrow! :)
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