In today's edition of PhoTueday I don't have much to offer in the way of photographs, because I have been too darn busy. Too busy to blog, too busy to do Twitter much...too too too busy. I did get this fun shot of a pool ball. I am not sure why I like it so much...I just do and that's good enough for me.
Some of you know (and some of you don't so I am telling you now) that the reason I haven't been online much is because I am working on creating my own photography studio. We have an outbuilding that contains an apartment and large garage that I am converting. At the same time I am having my photography website overhauled by a professional (because life is too short for the casual adult to deal with CSS code and flash) All of this has made for limited computer time for blogging.
So while this is not the perfect entry for PhoTuesday, it is all about photography. I have had the privilege of bouncing ideas off of some wonderful photographers here online as well as some superb photographers here at the local level. I was concerned about approaching other photographers about their lighting secrets or equipment, but I have to say that I have hooked up with some great people who are just aching to share what they know.
Tomorrow I will be guest posting (I think it is tomorrow) over at MomGotBlog. She has named me "Blogger of the Month" and I am honored to have that title (although I feel undeserved considering my lack of posting lately) I will be chatting about "Parenting With Humor" and why it is so crucial for us as parents and why we should never wait 20 years to laugh.
I have missed you all in the blog world and hope to be posting more real soon. I have received a whole slew of awards lately and appreciate each one of them and will attempt to do the meme's (hate that word!) this week!
Having been a photographer and now married to a photographer, I totally understand the time spent away from the blog! Enjoy this time creating your studio; the blog and your readers will be here waiting.
And the pool ball? Gave me an idea for a post ;-)
crayon is fun!
I think I know why you like the photo of the pool ball. I think you think things are looking up!!!!.....No longer are you behind the eight ball.....now you're behind the nine ball! LOL
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