You are just going to have to trust me on that, because she has a strange affliction that is hereditary.

The affliction is "not being able to be in front of a camera without being compelled to make the strangest face that you can." This runs through my family in my gene pool.
It can't be stopped and asking the afflicted one to stop will just make it worse.
Trust me. S

It's a curse I tell ya...a family curse.
I leave you with my favorite picture from the past week.. What do you do when you have to walk away from a good book?

Dog ear the page, of course....
Haha! I have hundreds of pictures of my kids making the craziest faces too.
I love the Dog Ear photo :)
Your sister is going to kill you! And yes it is hereditary. But you didn't get it from me, I'm the straight one in the family. Love you and all our crazy family members! MOM
I love these. They remind me of my fav comic, Calvin & Hobbes. I need to reread those.
Thanks for the smile.
My second oldest daughter got married this weekend and 2 of my kids acted like your daughter in the pictures. Some people just don't like to be on stage. Love your post.
Dog ear the page, hehehehe!
Silly faces are fun faces, super cute!
bahahahahaha....one of my better pictures, no doubt!
bahahahahaha....one of my better pictures, no doubt!
Love it!!
Totally refreshing!! :)
Following you on Twitter as well!
Hahaha! Love it!
I'm your newest follower:-)
LOL your family is amazing!
Love your sister's picture!
And at least you have one subject who cooperates LOL
Dog ears hilarious
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