We did some decorating for Fall.
We looked at the subtle change of leaf colors in the back 40 and I tried to explain in 4yo and 2yo terms why the leaves change colors in the first place. I gave up on the scientific explanations as they looked at me like monkeys trying to solve a math problem and just settled for the "God made it that way" answer.
I taught them the correct way to roll down a hill.
This includes making sure the path of descent is free of thorns.
Free of twigs or roots.
...and most importantly free of dog or deer droppings.
We played many rounds of hide and go seek...
I haven't explained yet that the bright pink shirt is a dead giveaway to a hiding place. They just assume that I am the Queen of Hide and Seek. I'll let them keep their illusions of my superiority a little longer...
It was a great weekend and I am sure going to miss the nice weather. Hope all of you had a wonderful weekend too!
It's been GORGEOUS here!! But, guess where I've been? Work.
A 5 day stretch. Almost done...almost.
So glad you enjoyed your last bit of mild weather! :)
We have also been enjoying the beautiful Fall Weather. I love it. My children are exhausted by 7:30 and have that beautiful pink cheeked kissed by the sun look. Everyone is happy.
Now if only that crappy winter weather didn't have to come. Then my children will revert to their Casper runny nose look. Not as cute.
Great pictures!
I was sick this weekend so I'm loving looking at the pics of your great weekend. 80 degrees? Wow!
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