Monday, January 31, 2011

Catch My Breath

When I hear about a car wreck that happened moments after I drove through an area; I catch my breath.

When I hear about someone close to me being ill; I catch my breath.

When I see a splendid sunrise veiling the sky; I catch my breath.

When I see our flag blowing against a sapphire sky; I catch my breath.

When I see someone help another in need; I catch my breath.

When I see a child fold their hands to pray; I catch my breath.

When I see a groom kiss his bride for the first time; I catch my breath.

When I see an elderly couple still holding hands; I catch my breath.

When I see the face of a newly born child against my skin; I catch my breath.

When I see the arms of my child raise for the first time to be picked up; I catch my breath.

When I see the peace on a sleeping child's face; I catch my breath.

Catch my breath. When I think of that I think of the physical movement of taking my air in and choosing when I let it go. It's a conscious effort to take the next breath. The choice to live in the next moment. All the hope, fears, joy and relief that can be found in that breath. For that one moment that I choose to hold my breath though, everything pauses and I take those few seconds to realize that I am in the moment. Moments that I catch my breath often take my breath away.

Will you catch your breath? Will you choose to exhale with intention and purpose for your next moment?

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