It was always when things seemed the bleakest that he opened up his spinach and changed the outcome. Why wait though? Why not have spinach for breakfast and be prepared to face the day armed with what it is going to take to conquer the "Blutos" in our life?

All of us have some Spinach available to us. Whether it is prayer, meditation, a chat with a trusted friend or a call to our mom. It empowers us and strengthens us. Yet, why do we wait until we are crumpled in the corner with our thumbs in our mouth to seek help, strength and direction? What if we were to start our day with a good ole' helping of "Spinach"? Starting our day with strength, empowerment and direction. What would the outcome be? It may not erase every "Bluto" in our life, but it would change how we deal with them and how we come out of the situation. I encourage you to try "Spinach" for breakfast for a week and see how you feel!
I wish I could erase all the Blutos in your life by a phone call! I'd do it in a heartbeat.
Love the idea. Will now go and have chocolate-covered raisins for breakfast... what? Is that not what you meant? ;)
This post is awesome because it asks such an important question. Why DO we wait till we're on the verge of exhaustion, burnout, whatever before we eat the "spinach"?
Life is never handled and we'll never get rid of all the Blutos, but nourishing myself (really? spinach? LOL) would sure help me deal with them differently!
you said it perfectly!
Mmmm...spinach! Fresh is much better than canned. Loaded with so many nutrients! A great analogy to spiritual life.
If only my kids would eat it. We just bought a Popeye DVD - love that old cartoon.
Because we know we can. That is we wait because we know we can wait and at the last minute all will be well. Sometimes "familiarity breeds contempt". Another way to put it is that we have lived too long under the grace of God and have taken it for granted.
Because we know we can. That is we wait because we know we can wait and at the last minute all will be well. Sometimes "familiarity breeds contempt". Another way to put it is that we have lived too long under the grace of God and have taken it for granted.
Gotta love that spinach, spiritual and the green stuff!
It's so important to take both kinds early on to build resilience instead of waiting until Bluto comes along and you have to settle for just patching up the wounds!
I am so with you, why wait?
I like to ask these questions, it's like the lamp genie; just ask to have unlimited wishes,and pronto your problem is solved.
I say you try the morning spinach first, then report back to us?
This is such a thoughtful post and excellent point! I need to remember to start my day off with scripture. It seems like in the quiet of the morning is when I can hear Him speaking to me best.
I will take my spinach mixed with good things in a quiche to start my day. I need the spinach, but adding yummy things like thankful prayers will blend to make a yummy dish.
Found you on Mom Loop!
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