Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday Snapshots

I've been taking so many pictures lately that I decided to throw them all in a day of the week. (If this is actually someone's carnival...I apologize and just let me know)

Anyways, enjoy the Saturday Snapshots of things we find on Crayon Ranch


Anonymous said...

Daisy Pic-My Fave!

And what is that pink/purple-ish thing?

becomewhatyouare said...

Love the toad! The buzzard maybe not so much... cool photo but you know... buzzards!

I'm curious about that purple flower too. And now I want raspberries.

More, more more!

becomewhatyouare said...

that's a hawk? well shut my mouth (or fingers!) It looks like the buzzards in flight around here! (my eye just caught one of those tween things!)

Kate said...

Love the second pic - perfection!

Kate said...

Love the second pic - perfection!

So Who Is The Crayon Wrangler? said...

The pink/purple flower is thistle

Jenn said...

Great Pictures!! I just wanted to let you know that i left you a special award on my blog!

Jennifer @ Life with the Lebedas

Krissy said...

Beautiful pictures!

Ashley said...

Beautiful! Did you take those using a point and shoot or something more?


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